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Agriculture in the Richelieu Catchment Area


Bas Richelieu
The permanently cultivated area represents 91 % of the global surface of the Bas -Richelieu (that is to say 54 061 ha). It is a very agricultural area, with 375 farms. The agriculture linked revenues amount to 123,5 million dollars, which means this activity makes the region one of the most productive in this field. It is a very diversified agriculture : cereals, orchards, vineyards, animal breeding…

Haut Richelieu
80 % of the region is occupied by agriculture : orchards, vineyards, cider, maple or cheese manufactures... Corn cultivation is very important inside the vegetal production: it represents 99 500 ha of surface, that is to say the 2/3 of the territory. As far as breeding is concerned, two times more important in the Haut-Richelieu than in the Bas-Richelieu, it is mainly bovine and porc breeding (in the East of the city county).

Agriculture represents 65 % of the whole catchment area and agricultural activities generate important revenues at the Quebec level (the Montérégie agricultural activities participate in 30% of the global Quebec resources).


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